Robert  Race    Moving Toys and Simple Automata

Robert Race is identified on his old passport as a toymaker, but his work covers a wide range:  Moving toys for children and adults; simple automata; kinetic sculpture; exhibition design;  mobile decorations for hospitals and restaurants; donation boxes and interactive collections of toys for museums.

He tries to make things which move in simple but interesting ways: Traditional moving toys have influenced him strongly, and he has travelled in Europe, Indonesia, Mexico, India and Japan in search of them.
His moving toys and simple automata incorporate a wide range of natural, re-used and recycled materials.  Much recent work is in driftwood, and collecting it gives him a good excuse for going to the seaside.

Robert Race
6 St Margaret's Place
Bradford on Avon
Wilts BA15 1DT

Phone:+44 (0)1225 863724                                                  

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